I enjoyed this movie.  The actors and the direct was well done.  My husband and I both stated that we would like to see it again, if not purchase is when on DVD.

1.) How are the older adults portrayed in the movie?
    The older adults were portrayed as confident, knowledgeable individuals that did not hold back on sarcasm to prove their points.  At times, they were disrespectful of the younger generation.  Swearing in front of children and using sharp tones with each other.  The older adults demanded respect and their voice was to be heard.  They were portrayed as powerful people, in charge, and making the main decisions over politics and Governmental policies.

2.) Who are the vulnerable population and are they different from today's vulnerable populations?
    The vulnerable populations in this movie was the African American people whether soldiers, slaves (free or under slavery rule); and women.  The vulnerable population were not allowed to have their voice heard or to hold positions of any title.  African American soldiers were not allowed to hold positions in high ranks.  The men in the movie did not listen to their wives they talked over them.  The only women allowed to watch the House preceedings was the First lady Mary Lincoln and her freed slave servant.  The day of the vote was the first time that African American people were allowed into the State House and they were segrated off to the side in one location together.
    The United States has made great strides forward in obtaining equality for African Americans and for women.  I do believe that these are still today the vulnerable populations of this country.  The idea that men are 'the man of the household,' in charge, superior to others, is still prevalent in today's society.  I feel that the younger generations are beginning to break away from this form of thinking.  It helps that Television portrays different races, women, and other groups equally.

3.) What issues is Lincoln addressing that our current President is also addressing?
    Both President Lincoln in the movie and President Obama are facing the issues of ending a War and successfully obtaining peace between two groups of people (Union vs. Confederate; United States vs. Terrorism/Iraq).  Also the issue of getting policy's pasted in the House of Representatives.  Items get tabled or turned down.  The rhetoric discussions or arguments between Repulicans and Democrats.  The two groups oppose each other more than they work together. This puts a damper on process for the good of the people of this Country or their constituents that voted them into office.

4.) What new information did you learn from the movie?
    I enjoyed the movie immensely!  I would say I learned more about the life of President Lincoln and the type of person he was.  The actor who portrayed him did a wonderful job in this role.  The movie portrayed President Lincoln as a strong man.  He suffered tragedy in is family life and still carried on to lead this Country.  He made a positive change for this Country by standing up for what he believed in.


Kelsey Wisotsky
12/2/2012 10:50:50 am

I agree that I learned a lot about Lincoln's personal life, which I also found very interesting.


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