Web Page Link: http://www.epa.gov/aging/ This link is for an 'Aging Initiative' provided by the EPA.  I choose this web site because the fastest growing population is our older adults or as their generation is called the 'Baby Boomers.'  I feel we need to take care of ourselves and be prepared for the future.  This web site provides information on environmental health issues and stewardship.  I like that it provides fact sheets on many interesting topics.  These fact sheets are also offered in different languages reaching out to the different cultures living in the United States.  We need to treat older adults with respect and help take care of them!

LaToya Young
12/1/2012 09:08:51 am

I agree, we do need to take care of ourselves more, try being more active and eating right. I believe the only way we can help others is to take care of ourselves first, we have to love ourselves first.


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